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Interesting facts about of California

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California is a state located on the west coast of the United States. It is the third largest state after Alaska and Texas in America's largest population and area. Oregon in the north of California, and Mexico in the south. California is the capital city of Sacramento In the United States economy, this state holds a share of 14 percent. If Californian If it was an independent country then its GDP in the world would be 6th and the population would be at 35th place.


😎 Facts about California

1. Every eighth person living in America is from California. 

2 . If California was a country, it would have been financially ranked seventh in the world and was ranked 35th among the most populous countries. 

3 . More than 1, 30, 000 people in California are in jail. 

4. By 1966, LSD was legal in California 

5. California is the first state in the United States. Where a drug called marijuana has already been prohibited a century ago.

6. Los Angeles, California is the most populous city in the United States. 

7. At some point the Antarctica season was so hot as soon as California lives. 

8. Air pollution in China increases the snow falling in California. 

9. Due to gender discrimination in California and the United States of 3 states, it is against the law to celebrate Parrot's house outside the house at night. 

10. California is the world's 5th largest food-based commodity in the world.

11. About 10,000 earthquakes occur every year in Southern California, but most of them are so low intensity that can not be felt. 

12. There is a bulb in a fire station in California. Which was burnt in 1901, but never stopped. 

13. In the 20 largest companies making money in the world, there are three companies in the headcounter in California. 

14. In California in 2014, a woman was killed because of some photographs that she died from that shot 

15. California produces 80% of Almonds all over the world.

16. In 1998, eating and selling horse meat was prohibited in California 

17. The world's largest tree and tallest tree are both in California. 

18. It is common everyday in California to have an earthquake, because the location of this state is near the 'Pacific Ring of Fire'. 

19. The production of farming in California is more than all other states in the United States. 

20. California's water system is one of the largest water systems in the world which operates 40,000,000 acres of water per year.

21. Every 2 weeks someone in California jumps from 'Golden Gate Bridge' 

22. In 2010, a dictionary was banned in some schools in Southern California because it defined certain types of sexual intercourse 

23. The inmates of the California prisons are in the jungle. The fire is sent to the extinguisher, the prisoners of the place prefer to do this type of work because their punishment decreases with this, get a chance to go out and get more money to work than the jail. 

24. With more work in California, about 80,000 people from outside come to work.

25. Since 1980, there have been 23 jails in California. 

26. There are 5 cities in the United States of California which are the largest air pollution.

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