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Gujarat Congress ruckus, party's groupism, and 8 senior leaders resign

Gujarat Congress ruckus, party's groupism, and 8 senior leaders resign
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In the recently concluded assembly of the Congress's disgruntled leaders, in Ahmedabad, a secret meeting at Arjun Modhwadia's house, there has been a ruckus in the Congress. So now the Surat city Congress has got lost. Surat city has come out against the dissatisfaction of senior leaders by declaring a new structure of Congress. Eight senior leaders, including Surat South Gujarat Congress spokesperson Sanjay Patwa, have resigned in front of groupism in the party. He resigned from the state Congress Committee in Ahmedabad. City President Babu Raika has been accused of giving many posts to family members. Sanjay Patwai said that he had been working at the party for the past 30 years and had performed various responsibilities honestly. But the population is running so much that it is impossible to work now.

Who gave up resignation?

1.Jawahar Upadhyay
2.Bhuppendra Solanki
3.Maksud Mirza
4. Avadhesh Singh
5. Javed Mirza
6. Gopal Patil
7. Keshav Mahyvansi
8.kanti vasava

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